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| Intelligence Benchmarking Tool
제품구성 : Our free online self assessment tool
특이사항 : Benchmark your intelligence program(Global Market Intelligence Survey 2011)
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Welcome to GIA’s Intelligence Benchmarking Tool

Our free online self assessment tool allows you to measure your intelligence program's status against companies with world class market intelligence capabilities.

This Intelligence Benchmarking Self-Assessment Tool by GIA is based on the six Key Success Factors found in the World Class Market Intelligence Roadmap by GIA, developed from a vast pool of research and experience on how hundreds of large organizations conduct intelligence activities on a global scale.

The global average scores are based on the results from the Global Market Intelligence Survey 2011 by GIA, the largest Market Intelligence survey ever conducted.

Just complete the questionnaire below to get your final total score and compare how your market intelligence program compares with the overall global average!


Your score will remain confidential to you.


Start Benchmarking test


If you are interested in an advisory program around Market Intelligence Best Practices Benchmarking Assessment, please contact us.

  • 4시 이전에 입금확인된 제품에 한해서만 다음날 배송됩니다.
  • 토요일/공휴일은 배송기간에 포함되지 않습니다.
  • 도서/산간지역은 1∼2일 정도 추가 소요됩니다.
  • 불가항력적(천재지변 등)인 사유로 배송이 늦어질수 있습니다.
  • 25,000원 이하의 제품은 1박스당 3,000원(택배)비가 별도로 추가됩니다.
  • 상품 이미지의 색상은 실제 상품과 차이가 있을 수 있습니다.

  • 2025.03.28(Fri) 20:23:06

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    Intelligence Benchmarking Tool
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